Jul 27, 2009

Spitting up and sitting up.... :)

July is almost over and yet again Lena is growing more than I would like :). She is so alert and interested in everything. Toys are becoming more and more an essential part of our daily life and Lena is awake much of the day. She has been teething for three weeks now, but still no sign of a tooth. A few days ago we discovered that Lena can sit up on her own for a few seconds, and REALLY loves to fall over and be caught by Andrew or me. She is such a joy in our live and her smiles and giggles seem to make the world go round . Here are some more recent pictures:

Jul 15, 2009

Nikki's beautiful wedding

In the Davis's Pool...
Our little wedding outfits :)

Rehearsal Dinner... outside in over 100 Fahrenheit (over 37.7 Celsius) and in the boiling sun
Lena still kept laughing at everyone.. especially Vikki Mathis

Beautiful bride with all her bridesmaids