May 21, 2009

The never ending car troubles...

The last two weeks have been a constant battle with our cars. After towing my car twice, having it diagnosed twice by different repair shops, and Andrew spending days on end laying underneath it replacing one part after the next, it just seemed to be getting worse and worse. ALL the workers at Autozone now know me by name, as I have been paying them a visit at least every day, if not twice sometimes. After two weeks of crazyness that did not seem to end, a good mechanic friend from church advised Andrew to get rid of the car as fast as we can because the car would just continue to fall apart. So we sold it via our favorite site, Craigslist, and also found our new car there. It is a Hyundai Accent, 2003, and is a pretty sweet car. There is, however, one downside to this car: ITS A STICKSHIFT! Which i can't drive, and never have. So... I have a new car, but can't drive it... yet. So this weeks theme is either to learn to drive stickshift or have to drive the Buick which does not A.C. and that would not be so fun for anyone, especially Lena. So, pictures of the new car are below.


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